obviously there are many intersections of the above, but thanks to a applying a standard web pattern - the tag cloud - to political event, standard...um...evasive patterns emerge.
Gonzales Testimony tag cloud is possible thanks to the folks at
IBM's ManyEyes project, an experimental site that allows users to upload data sets to be defined with
advanced visualizations. There is endless cool content up here: use it to make a point about allmost any subject, including of course, your own.(On a Mac, though, use Safari. Firefox doesnt play nice with the Java.)
the Gonzales user cheated a little with adding "i_" to "don't" to make it a single word... which i think was unnecessary to make the point. not a lot of recollection going on there by the "attorney general" of the "united states".
Tip o' the hat to
Jared Spool.