Saturday, August 19, 2006

flash scientists

i am working on a XML/flash project that involves tracking data a user inputs over time and then comparing that data to other users and displaying as a live scaleable graph. nice bit a programming gonna be needed for thatk, eh.

so i went to my favorite vector flash experimentation site,, and it is for all intensive purposes down. well, there is a placeholder page.

so that sets me off on a quest for similar sites through-out the internets, and just off i have come accross one that is really just plain beautiful.

Gallery Incomplet is a wonderful compendium of the mysterious Grant S' flash experiment. none or few of them have the vector/bezier type of display and interaction i am looking for, but man this guy is like his own little MIT media lab.

another cool flash guy is Andre Micheal - he does a lot of great 3D and image distortion and mapping work. Also some very cool sound experiments.

here is a site that is a little more similar to podlob - uncontrol

there is a little flash navigation that you have to use to see the different algorithm and mathematics based flash movies - which actually annoys me, because you can't bookmark a specific piece, and the "index" requires rollovers to see where you are going. great stuff inside though.

more to come as i dig around...

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